Monumentorum Custos

Monumentorum Custos – magazine for heritage of north-western Bohemia.

Magazine profile

Monumentorum Custosis a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed professional magazine focused on the field of heritage preservation. It is a regional magazine that focuses on a wider area of north-western Bohemia, which includes the territory of three self-governing units, namely the Ústí nad Labem, Karlovy Vary, and Liberec regions. The magazine has a fixed structure of contributions: while the main peer-reviewed part deals with studies and material, the secondary non-peer-reviewed part engages in monument restorations, exhibitions, reviews and information on current events in the field of heritage preservation.

Professional focus

The magazine focuses on the study of the history, development and analysis of the monument fund in the monitored area, on all its components. The subject of interest are immovable monuments (existing and extinct), works of fine arts and crafts, and monuments of garden art. Furthermore, the magazine focuses on contributions from the field of urbanism, the development of settlements, and important monumental or landscape-creating zones. The field of archaeology is also a full-fledged part. The outputs also focus on the procedures and results of historical building, archaeological, technological, art history, historical, archival and natural science research.


The magazine is intended for the Czech and European professional community, and for the knowledge of the development of the monument fund in the border region, which was always affected by foreign influences, in this case mainly from the German lands. Another goal is to pass on information about the monument fund to the general public directly in the monitored area in order to rebuild the affiliation of the population with the cultural values of the monitored region because this affiliation has been significantly damaged due to historical development.


Print: Czech, annotation: English language, summary (including captions of images): English language

Scope of contributions

Study - a maximum of 40 SP (standard page) of text (72,000 characters including spaces) without bibliography, abstracts and captions of images; part of the study are keywords, annotation (abstract at the beginning of the paper): approx. 500-900 characters and summary (abstract at the end of the paper): maximum 15% of the length of the text of the study; number of image attachments: maximum 1/1 SP; the study must be equipped with annotations

Material - a maximum of 20 SP of text (36,000 characters including spaces) without bibliography, abstracts and captions of images; part of the study are keywords, annotation (abstract at the beginning of the paper): approx. 500-900 characters and summary (abstract at the end of the paper): maximum 15% of the length of the text of the study; number of image attachments: maximum 1/1 SP; the study must be equipped with annotations

Magazine format

  • A4
  • mirror 17 × 24,5 cm
  • full colour
  • glossy paper


  • fees for license rights to image attachments are settled by the author;
  • translations of both abstracts and keywords are paid for by the editors;
  • translations of foreign language contributions into Czech language is paid for by the editors.

Source of funding and continuity of the contribution

  • the source of financial support is indicated at the end of the contribution
  • if the contribution was created by realizing the task of science and research, the identification of the research project is given at the end of the contribution

Originality of the contribution

  • the contribution must be original, not plagiarized (copying another author), nor repeated (duplicating one's own work)
  • it has not been published in other language elsewhere
  • is not the subject of multiple submissions (will not be assessed at the same time in two newsrooms)

Review procedure and duties of reviewers

Peer review procedure (reviews are carried out by researchers actively working on the issue and at the same level as the scientist submitting their paper).

In a mutually anonymous review procedure, the paper is submitted to two reviewers who are experts in the field and do not have the same workplace as the author of the paper, nor are they members of the editorial board. In case the two reviews differ significantly, the paper is submitted to a third reviewer. The final approval for publication will be decided by the editorial board on the basis of the anonymous reviews. The review is written and archived by the editors. The selection of reviewers is ensured by the editorial board.

Reviewers must maintain objectivity, they must not misuse the information provided in the peer-reviewed paper for personal or other purposes.

Reviewers are obliged to draw attention to relevant published works that have not yet been cited in the evaluated text.

Reviewers should refuse to conduct a review due to a conflict of professional interest. The following are considered to be conflicts of interest:

  • professional, financial or personal benefit of the reviewer from approving or rejecting the peer-reviewed paper;
  • cooperation on the project in the past five years;
  • fundamental difference of opinion on the main topic of the peer-reviewed paper;
  • close professional or private relationship with the author or one of the members of the author team.


Authors are only those who meet the criteria of authorship. Criteria for granting authorship:

  • step 1 - significant contribution to article conception, data acquisition, data analysis and interpretation;
  • step 2 - participation in the elaboration of the article or its critical revision (intellectual contribution);
  • step 3 - the author participates in both steps;

All authors must meet the relevant criteria and none of those who qualify should be excluded from authorship.

No claim for authorship: raising funds; data collection; general supervision of the research group; "Guest author" listed for his seniority, reputation or influence; "Gift author" listed for personal benefit or for a fee.

Identification of authors

At the end of the paper, the names of all the authors will be listed, including academic degrees, employers, contact addresses, including electronic ones. For each individual image attachment, the authors provide the name of the author and the source of the image.

Duties of authors

All authors are required to incorporate reviewers' comments into the text; where appropriate, state their objections in writing if they do not agree with the comments from their scientific point of view. The editorial board will decide whether or not to accept the author's comments.

The authors may not simultaneously provide the main content of the paper, to the published or smaller extent, for publication to other editors.

The authors must follow the instructions for authors and follow the established citation usage.

By submitting the manuscript, the authors declare that all data given in the paper are true and original, that all information sources used are listed in bibliography, and that the paper is not plagiarism or redundancy (excessive repetition of passages from their own work).

The authors are responsible for settling copyrights and license rights to images and other attachments.

All contributions must include an English abstract, English keywords, a list of references, financial support information and the author's contact details.

Duties of editorial board

Through its activities, the editorial board strives for continuous improvement of the professional and formal aspects of the magazine, supports freedom of speech, and in accordance with generally respected ethics is prepared to publish any current corrections, appeals and apologies after prior discussion.

The editorial board is responsible for the content of the magazine and the quality of published articles.

The editorial board maintains an objective approach to all submitted contributions - in the decision-making process they are obliged to avoid conflicts of interest and respect the main criteria for the selection of contributions, which are:

  • professional level and importance of the contribution;
  • compliance of the topic with the professional focus of the magazine.

During the review procedure, the board is obliged to maintain the anonymity of reviewers and authors.

The board resolves possible appeals of authors against comments from the review procedure and other complaints. It decides whether the author's objections can be accepted, and it can request another opinion or refuse publication.

The board definitely decides on the rejection or acceptance of the contribution for publication.

The board issues instructions concerning the entire editorial work (instructions for authors, instructions for review procedures, and reviewers, etc.).

The board guarantees compliance with the above rules.

Publication ethics

The publishers and editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles which have been the subject of research misrepresentation.

The publishers and editors accept responsibility for providing best practices for detecting abuse, including illegal practices and plagiarism.

If the publisher or editors of the magazine find any allegation of misuse of the research, the publishers or editors will deal with the allegation in an appropriate manner and the misuse cases will be rectified by correction.

The publishers and editors are willing to publish corrections, explanations, appeals, and apologies if necessary.

When publishing articles in the magazine Monumentorum custos, all participants are required to comply with the following rules and obligations, which are governed by the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


After the text is published in the magazine, the author may continue to publish it elsewhere with a reference to the first publication.

All content of the open access magazine will be freely available without usage fees. The publishers and editors will make each issue available three years after its first publication.

Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, refer to the full text of contributions or use them for any other lawful purpose without prior consent of the publisher or author.

The authors of the texts are responsible for settling the copyright and license rights to the images and other attachments.