PhD Programme

PhD study programme is intended for the most gifted graduates of the master study programme. It is open not only to students of the Faculty of Arts of UJEP, but also to graduates of other universities.

The study can be realized in full-time and combined form.

PhD studies at the Faculty of Arts of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University are carried out in two study programmes.

  • Study programme: German Philology (Department of German Studies) – programme garant is doc. PhDr. Renata Cornejo, Ph.D.
  • Study programme: Historical Sciences (Department of History) – programme garant is prof. PhDr. Michaela Hrubá, Ph.D. The programme is further structured into two fields of study: Czech History (in Czech language) and Tschechische Geschichte (in German language).

PhD studies are governed by:

Study and Examination Regulations for PhD Study Programmes at FF UJEP

Dean's order – Rules for Defense of Doctoral Theses at FF UJEP.

Support of PhD students – infrastructure

In 2011-2014, the FF implemented a project under the OP RDI (in the amount of CZK 220 million): Ministry of Education RDI – CZ.1.05 / 4.1.00 / 04.0141 Modern Educational and Scientific Research Infrastructure of the Faculty of Arts, UJEP. New faculty buildings including infrastructure for PhD studies were reconstructed and equipped, including instrumentation – study rooms, library reinforcement, instrumentation; the number of PhD students was a monitoring indicator of the project that the FF UJEP was fulfilling throughout its sustainability.

Support of PhD studenst – research activities

  • SGS – Student Grant Competition (special-purpose resources of the Ministry of Education), which is currently undergoing evaluation within the U21 program – Improvement of Grant Competition and Teaching in PhD Study Programmes at UJEP (U21 – QGRANT)
  • IGA – Internal Grant Agency (institutional resources of the Ministry of Education), establishment of the agency at UJEP 2018 (project awarded in 2018: prof. Radek Fukala, PhD – Krušné Mountains from the Hussite Wars to the End of the Thirty Years' War: The Role and Changes of the Region in the Key Conflicts between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age - 3 PhD students involved.
  • Scholarship for PhD students from the Ústí nad Labem Region Fund – possibility to obtain a scholarship of CZK 2,500 (standard full-time study, age up to 30 years)
  • Extraordinary scholarships according to the Dean's decision – possibility to increase the scholarship upon the supervisor's proposal and with the approval of the Subject Area Board
  • School of PhD Studies – As part of the Institutional Development of the University, since 2016 the Faculty of Arts has been able to draw on funding for external lecturers in the framework of PhD studies, supporting the publication and artistic activities of PhD students, conferences, excursions, exhibitions etc.

Graduate employment

  • PhDr. Bárta Milan, Ph.D., Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Head of the Research Department1945–1989 I.
  • Mgr. Flosman Martin, Ph.D., Military History Institute, Head of Department
  • Mgr. Petr Karlíček, Ph.D., Archive of the City of Ústí nad Labem, Director


  1. Horizon 2020, Marie-Curie Innovative Training Network: Children Born of War: Passt, Present and Future, (FF UJEP joined in 2016–2018), PhD student Michal Korheľ is a member of an international team of PhD students. Benefit: Involvement in an international network of 12 universities, involvement of PhD students in interdisciplinary excellence research, the possibility of continuing cooperation (Universität Augsburg, University of Birmingham), in 2016–2018 PhD student Mgr. M. Korhel joined.
  2. GAČR P405/10/J060, Religious Cultures in 19th and 20th Century Europe (Religiöse Kulturen im Europa des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts). Supervisor: prof. Dr. Miloš Havelka, Faculty of Humanties, Charles University. (Bilateral project with the Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München Graduate College, supervisor: prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel, Mgr. Marcela Zemanová joined in 2010-2013.
  3. PhD study in the programme "Historical Sciences" in the field of Czech History in German. Benefit: Possibility to study for applicants from German speaking countries.
  4. Realization of a project supporting the internationalization of PhD studies at the Faculty of Arts, German Philology: Internationalization and Weiterentwicklung des Doktorandenstudiums (Erasmus+ , KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education (Projekt Nr. 2018-1-SK01-KA203-046375), partners: FF UJEP, Wroclaw University, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Benefit: Sharing experiences, linking teaching and enhancing student mobility, developing common teaching materials and recommendations for the implementation of the DS, publishing two PhD anthologies and teaching material prepared within the project.
  5. CO-tuttelle individual contract (TU Dresen, Universität Augsburg). 
  6. Support for foreign trips through DAAD scholarship (University of Augsburg, Institut für Volkskunde der Deutschen des Östlichen Europa, Freiburg

Internships and foreign stays of PhD students

(Universität Leipzig, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, University of North Caroline, Universität Bamberg, Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden,Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien, Central European University Library Budapest, Archiwum Akt Nowych Warszawa, State Military Archives and State Archives of the Russian Federation Moscau)

Concrete examples:

  • Stanislava Klečáková, January – February 2010, DAAD scholarship, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Geschichte und Kulturen Osteuropas
  • Petr Karlíček, October – November 2011, DAAD scholarship, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Geschichte und Kulturen Osteuropas
  • Petr Karlíček, September – December 2014, DAAD scholarship, Institut für Volkskunde der Deutschen des Östlichen Europa, Freiburg
  • Michal Korheľ, May – June 2019, DAAD scholarship, Universität Augsburg (co-tuttelle)
  • Kateřina Matasová, academic year 2011/2012, Co-tuttelle de Thèse, Technische Universität Dresden

Since the launch of the Erasmus+ Program in 2013, which started to support PhD students on study visits and internships abroad, the following students have recently taken this opportunity:

  • Mgr. Vlasta Kordová – LS 2017/2018 a ZS 2018/2019 - Universität Leipzig
  • Mgr. Vlasta Kordová – participation in the summer school of Polish language for history students at Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Planned visits

  • Mgr. Daniel Trnka 2019/2020 - Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  • Mgr. Vlasta Kordová 2019/2020 - Universität Wien (Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte, prof. P. Therr)
  • Mgr. Adam Zítek 2019/2020 - University of North Caroline v USA
  • Mgr. Markéta Poláková Jirmanová 2020/2021 - Universität Bamberg
  • Mgr. Lukáš Sláma 2020/2021 - Universität Wien

Participation of PhD students in foreign conferences

  • Karl-Heinz Gmehling, May 2018, Spatial Constructions in the German speaking authors of Czechoslovak origin, Gießen (Germany)
  • Karl-Heinz Gmeling, May 2018, Raumkonstruktionen in Jan Faktors Roman “Der Schornstein” (2006), Oradea (Romania)
  • Karl-Heinz Gmehling, July 2018, Raumkonstellationen im Roman Schornstein von Jan Faktor, Ružomberok (Slovakia)
  • Karl-Heinz Gmeling, September 2019, Erinnerte (Heimat-)Räume in den Werken deutschsprachiger Autoren tschechoslowakischer Herkunft, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)
  • Karl-Heinz Gmeling, October 2019, Raumkonstruktionen in ausgewählten Werken der Literatur deutschsprachiger Autoren tschechoslowakischer Herkunft, Portland (USA)
  • Karin Wozonig, October 2018, „Ich bin Osterreicher, ich habe ein Vater- und ein Mutterland…“ Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs Erzahlung Bertram Vogelweid als Schauplatz deutsch-tschechischer Begegnung, Krakov (Poland)
  • Karin Wozonig, May 2019, Die österreichische Lyrikerin und Journalistin Betty Paoli (1814-1894) in Galizien. Eine biographische Skizze, Drohobytsch (Ukraine)
  • Karin Wozonig, October 2019, Deutschland? Böhmen? Italien? – Habsburg! Die politischen Feuilletons der Schriftstellerin Betty Paoli (1814-1894) aus den Jahren 1848 und 1849, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
  • Karel Halla, May 2009, Egerland – Vogtland – Pleißenland – und Orlagau im hohen Mittelalter, Greiz (Germany)
  • Petr Karlíček, May 2012, Visual Encounters with Alterity: Representing East-Central and South-Eastern Europeans in the Nineteeth Century and the First Half of the Twentieth Century, International Conference Budapest (Hungary)
  • Petr Karlíček, November 2012, Bildpolitik – Grenzen des Darstellbaren. Fotografie und Karikatur in den Böhmischen Ländern und in Deutschland, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)
  • Filip Hrbek, Medical Seminar – Medical Knowledge and Publication Strategies in European Perspective (1500-1800), Prague 2016
  • Antonín Kadlec, Lukáš Sláma, Middle-East Europe in historical research of PhD students, Poznań 2017, Poland
  • Michal Korheľ, June 2017, Society for the History of Children and Youth. Ninth Biennial Conference: Transition, Transaction and Transgression, Rutgers University Camden 2017, USA
  • Michal Korheľ, Power, Intimacy and the State. Mixed Families in Europe and Beyond, Amsterdam 2017, Netherlands
  • Michal Korheľ, European Social Science History Conference, Belfast 2018 (UK)
  • Lukáš Sláma, May 2018, Dyplomacja i wojskowość w dobie wojny trzydziestoletniej (1618–1648) Szczecin 2018, Poland
  • Filip Hrbek, Internationa Symposium „Imagination and Fantasy in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time, The University of Arizona, Tuscon 2019, USA
  • Lukáš Sláma, June 2019, Grupy społeczne w dawnych miastach polskich i europejskich“, Uniwersitet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Krakow, Poland

Selection of foreign publications

  • Karin WOZONIG – Thomas STANGL (2018): Der einzige Ort und das gespenstische Wir. Ein Dialog. In: Literatur und menschliches Wissen.Anaöysen zu einer grenzüberschreitenden Beziehung. Hrsg. v. Helena Ulbrechtová, F. T. Grub, E. Platen u. Siegfried Ulbrecht. Berlin: Kadmos (Kaleidogramme, 154), S. 378-398, ISBN 978-3-86599-360-1
  • Karin WOZONIG (2018): Gemeinsame Kreise. Adalbert Stifter und Betty Paoli in Salon und Almanach. In: Jahrbuch des Adalbert-Stifter-Instituts des Landes Oberösterreich. Stifters Welten 3: Wien und Stifters Welten 4: Linz. Hg. von Petra-Maria Dallinger und Georg Hofer. 25 (2018), Linz: Adalbert-Stifter-Institut des Landes Oberösterreich, S. 99-111, ISBN 978-3-902740-21-2
  • Karin WOZONIG (2018): Betty Paoli. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs erste Rezensentin. In: Ulrike Tanzer, Maria Piok, Kyra Waldner (Hg.): Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Schriftstellerin zwischen den Welten (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Bd. 90). Innsbruck: iup, S. 103-117, ISBN 978-3-901064-53-1
  • Karin WOZONIG (2019): Freundschaft und Politik in bewegten Zeiten. Betty Paoli und Adalbert Stifter 1848. In: Journal of Austrian Studies, Vol. 52 No 3/2019, Nebrasca, S. 1-18, ISSN 2165- 669X
  • Karin WOZONIG (2019): Betty Paoli: Zwischen Genie und Schillerstiftung. In: Frank Jacob, Sophia Ebert (Hg.): Reicher Geist, armes Leben: Das Bild des armen Schriftstellers in Geschichte, Kunst und Literatur. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, S. 53-67, ISBN 978-3826064807
  • Martin TEPLÝ, Religionsfreiheit in der Dritten Republik, in: Martin Zückert – Laura Hölzlwimmer (Hrsg.), Religion in den böhmischen Ländern 1938-1948: Diktatur, Krieg und Gesellschaftswandel als Herausforderung für religiöses Leben und kirchliche Organisation, München–Oldenbourg, 2007.
  • Petr KARLÍČEK – Volker MOHN, "Voller propagandistischer Erfolg"? Das Karikaturblatt "Ejhle" (1944-1945), in: Bohemia: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder. A Journal of History and Civilisation in East Central Europe München 51, č. 1, (2011) s. 164-202.
  • Adam ZÍTEK, Antykomunistyczne podzemie niepodległościowe w Czechoslowacji i Polsce – zarys problematyki na przykładzie miast Torunia i Żatca, in: X Letnia Szkoła Historii Najnowszej IPN, Warszawa 2017
  • Filip HRBEK, Czech written prints on plague: 16th century, in: Karel Černý – Sonia Horn (eds.), Plague between Prague and Vienna. Medicine and Infectious Diseases in Early Modern Europe, Prague 2018
  • Michal KORHEĽ, Children as „Collateral damage“ of post-war retribution? Persecution of „Nationally Unreliable“ Persons in Czechoslowakia after the Second World War, in:
  • Heide Glaesmer – Sabine Lee – Barbara Stelzl-Marx (eds.), Children Born of War – Past, Present, Future, Routledge [to be published in 2020]