Department of Archival Science and Auxiliary Sciences of History

Head of the Centre: Mgr. Tomáš Velička, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 475 286 420

The expert profiling of the Department is varied. It focuses on both classical auxiliary sciences of history (especially diplomacy) and selected aspects of the history of administration. We cannot leave aside the focus on the publishing activities of various sources (especially city books of the late Middle Ages and early modern times, but not only them). Some members of the Department also deal with current issues of archiving and records management. The records management also attracts attention in its historical development.

Among the publications whose authors are members of the Department, let us mention the unique, in the Czech context, study material Archiving and Records Management by Ludmila Sulitková. Also worth noting is the international conference held last year, dedicated to the land offices of the late Middle Ages in Central Europe.

The Department offers B.A. study program in Archival Science and Records Management in an external form. In addition, there is also a follow-up M.A. program in History with Specialization in Archival Science, both in internal and external form.

The main goal of the Department is to educate expert archivists capable of working with both historical material and products of modern administration. The questions of authenticity of the documents that have now been created and the degree of their disclosure, as well as the credibility, are attracting considerable attention even today, at a time that is sometimes called post-factual.