Department of Political Science

Head of the Department: Mgr. Petr Bláha, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 475 286 515

Secretariat: Tamara Šitnerová

We are on Facebook and Twitter.

The Department of Political Science (KPOL) was established on 1 January 2021 and is thus one of the youngest parts of the Faculty of Arts. Nevertheless, the teaching of political science and political science research at the Faculty of Arts has a long tradition. The Department of Political Science was created by a transformation from the Department of Political Science and Philosophy, which was established in 2006 and is one of the founding parts of the Faculty of Arts.

The Department of Political Science currently offers full-time bachelor's and master's degree programmes in Political Science. Students can study political science either as a separate field of study or within a combined study, i.e. in combination with another field from the Faculty of Arts (e.g. History or Humanities) or from the Faculty of Science. Combined studies are a prerequisite for the preparation for the career of the second level primary and secondary school teacher.

The Department of Political Science is very active in scientific and research activities. The research activities of the department's staff are mainly in the areas of research on voter behaviour, political participation, women's political representation, quality of democracy, multilevel governance, cross-border cooperation and social pathology: these are also areas of priority within the study provided by the Department of Political Science.

The employees of the Department were or are solvers of national and international grants and of researches funded by the Czech government and/or small internal university grants. The department contributes from its own resources to the scientific research activities of its members, including support for foreign conference and publication activities. The Department of Political Science thus belongs to the dynamic workplaces of the faculty and to the established Czech research and professional workplaces.