Ministry of Education, Czech Republic

The Ministry of Education is the basic source of funds for the university. The Faculty of Arts is also involved in its program challenges, both individually and centrally as a university.


OP VaVpI (Operační program Výzkum a vývoj pro inovace) – Modern educational and research infrastructure of FF UJEP / Moderní vzdělávací a vědecko-výzkumná infrastruktura Filozofické fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně

Registration number: CZ.1.05/4.1.00/04.0141.

The aim of the project was to build a background for research and educational activities of the Faculty of Arts, which will significantly support its qualitative and quantitative development. This goal was achieved through the reconstruction of two buildings located on the campus of the J. E. Purkyně University (UJEP), their complete equipment and the acquisition of specialized instrumentation (within eligible costs) and subsequent commissioning for the needs of the Faculty of Arts (FF UJEP).

The aim of the submitted project was to solve fundamental infrastructure problems and capacity shortages of the Faculty of Arts – especially the lack of classrooms and specialized seminar rooms, which the faculty shared with two other UJEP parts while occupying the premises in the building in 8 České mládeže Street. The project output is a total of 4 767 m2 of newly reconstructed capacities for FF UJEP in buildings in 13 Pasteurova Street, which today serve for educational and research purposes of students of all disciplines realized at the Faculty of Arts, especially the master and doctoral degree; these students were involved in the research projects before the reconstruction, but thanks to it they gained adequate background and their research activities can thus develop quantitatively and qualitatively. The teaching rooms are equipped with modern presentation technology, which increased the quality of education and offered important prerequisites for student projects and for the implementation of research intentions of academic staff; specialized equipment was acquired for the unique research centre, Cultural Heritage Documentation and Digitization Centre of FF. Thanks to this equipment, it is possible to develop research in the area of documentation and digitization of cultural heritage and, at the same time, to a greater extent and quality to involve students of relevant disciplines in these activities (Heritage Documentation and Cultural and Historical Regional Studies).

The objective of the submitted project was, among other things:

  • to provide modern infrastructure for the developing faculty of UJEP
  • to ensure quality conditions for teaching at the Faculty of Arts, which is actively involved in research (emphasis on the development of PhD studies)
  • to ensure an increase in the quality of human resources for R&D and an increased involvement of students in research.

Project realization: 1. 5. 2011 – 31. 10. 2014

Total subsidy amount: 204,643,189.78 CZK

Other projects – Operační program vzdělání pro konkurenceschopnost (OP VK)