NAKI – Program of Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity (Ministry of Culture Czech Republic)

The role of the Program is to support research and development activities in the field of national and cultural identity in accordance with the priorities of the Interdepartmental Concept of Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity by 2015 and thus contributing to making public funds invested in applied research and development in the field of national and cultural identity bring concrete economic or other social benefits from their realization. Through applied research and development, the program is intended to contribute to preserving and developing national integrity and national specifics in the context of European and world culture in the 21st century.


Hortus Montium Mediorum – Cultural Heritage Documentation and Presentation of Selected Locations of Eastern Central Boheiman Uplands

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  • Main researcher of FF UJEP: Mgr. Jakub Pátek, Ph.D.
  • Duration: 2018–2022
  • Project number: DG18P02OVV066

Central Uplands Garden Cultural heritage documentation and presentation of selected locations of eastern Central Boheiman Uplands The main objective of the project is mapping, documentation and follow-up professional interpretation of the phenomenon of historical cultural landscape and cultural heritage on the Ústí and Liberec region border a region which due to human migration in the 20th century lost a significant part of its historical consciousness and identity. Regarding the intended depth of the interdisciplinary approached research and high demands for detailed documentation of widely defined territory, the intention of the research team is to implement three locally defined probes. These probes will focus on three particular sites which are historically significantly exposed and their landscape background. Specifically Zahořany (dist. Litoměřice), Konojedy (dist. Litoměřice) and Zahrádky (dist. Česká Lípa), each of them situated in a different type of landscape. Selected locations are connected by a number of factors. From the historical point of view it is the fact that these sites represented in the past manorialism centers and their preserved heritage fund originate mainly from the Baroque and the 19th century. To the current factors belongs a problematic approach to local cultural heritage in the past decades, nowadays efforts are being made to rescue and revitalize these locations at least partially. Documentation of The Monument Fund, including aristocratic residences, sacred buildings, small monuments, technical monuments and vernacular architecture will be implemented through effective documentation methods based on the certified methodologies. The issue of historical cultural landscape and models of its development will be accented as a whole. Parallelly lead historical research will be based on a heuristic and analysis of archival sources and existing literature and will be continuously synchronized and compared with the results obtained during the documentation procedure.

The Documentation of Historical Buildings Used for Hops Processing

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  • Researcher of FF UJEP: PhDr. Kamil Podroužek, Ph.D. (Cultural Heritage Documentation and Digitization Centre of the Department of History, FF UJEP)
  • Main researcher: National Heritage Institute, researcher Mgr. Lucie Radová
  • Duration 2016–2020
  • Project number DG16P02B021

The main focus of this project is to perform a basic documentation of the historical buildings for hops processing. These buildings are part of architectual assets bound to the specific natural conditions occuring only in some regions. These conditions constitute an important part of the urbanism of towns and cultural countriside. There has not been given any scientific attention to the development, function, constructions or the technological equipment used on these buildings. In addition, these buildings (except several) are not historically protected. With respect to size, these buildings are of a great financial burden to their owners and have lately been subject to a large scale of demolition. Out of more than 5400 of these buildings listed in the beginning of the 20th century in Zatec hops region itself only hundreds have been preserved. Hence, the documentation is the last possibility of recording these buildings for the future. As part of the basic documentation of the buildings (undoubtful identification, photo-documentation, the documentation of the specific contruction solutions, technological equipment and technological state of proving the hops processing) the targeting and sample collection for dendro-chronical dating of selected buildings will be performed. The archive research will be part of the study as well. Based on this evidence a special map and IISPP/GIS NPÚ based database will be created. A highly easy-to-use system will be created using sophisticated technology (phones with cameras and GPS modules, tablet PCs, remote network access to the external scanned document storage and remotely accessible GIS and MIS map databases). This system will enable operational field documentation and based on this experience a methodology will be created that describes the use of this widlely available technology in basic field architectural documentation.

Documentation, digitizing and presentation of endangered cultural heritage in frontier region of north-western Bohemia

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  • Researcher of of FF UJEP: PhDr. Kamil Podroužek, Ph.D. (Cultural Heritage Documentation and Digitization Centre of the Department of History, FF UJEP)
  • Participant: National Heritage Institute, main researcher PhDr. Petr Hrubý
  • Duration 2012–2015
  • Project number DF12P01OVV009

Main objective of the project is to contribute to preservation of cultural heritage in the frontier region of the Northwestern Bohemia which with respect to its historical burden and its current state belongs to one of the most problematic areas in the Czech republic. The project will be carried out through following partial objectives: 1. For selected endangered monuments make detailed geodetic and photogrammetric documentation, stereophotogrammetry, creation of 3D models, digital nondestructive diagnosis of constructions and materials, thermoluminescent camera measurements, X-ray analysis. 2. Create methodology for documentation and digitalization of particular types of endangered monuments. 3. Make database of endangered immovable cultural heritagewith respect to technical state of particular monuments, updating of data concerning technical state of particular monuments. 4. Creation of the appropriate data package of the endangered objects on behalf of the monumental care in the technical and methodical structure of the current system IISPP/GIS/NPÚ. The visualization enables the special map of the selected types of the endangered monuments, including its typology. 5. Create special map of endangered monuments including typology of particular groups: ecclesiastical architecture, folk architecture, town houses, smaller monuments. Maps will be an open application for further data update. 6. Create reconstructional map of the landscape, development of the landscape, interpretation and creation of reconstructional maps, spatio-temporal development of the landscape structure (land use/land cover), spatio-temporal changes of settlements areas. 7. Implementation of a pilot exhibition project called „Milešov – changes of landscape in Middle Ages and in Modern Times“ which would present documentation and digitalization of immovable cultural heritage on example of the uniquely preserved Baroque landscape and monuments in the area of the village Milešov.

Social, Cultural and Ideological Transfers in the History of Frontier Regions of North and Northwestern Bohemia and their Role for its Development and Tenability

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  • Main researcher of FF UJEP: doc. PhDr. Tomáš Velímský, CSc. (Departmnet of History, FF UJEP)
  • Duration: 2011–2015
  • Project number: DF11P01OVV014

The project aims to apply long term experience and knowledge obtained by PF UJEP in the area of social, cultural and idea transfers in the border region of north-western and northern Bohemia. The output is to be in a form accessible to wide public whichstill seeks its place in many places of the region. Consciousness of regional history is to be promoted and developed thus strengthening the ties of inhabitants to their region. The output is to be given the form of web portal which will demonstrate themigration processes on selected key factors. Dialogue of various opinions will be supported by the interdisciplinary character of the method and the content. A virtual archive and virtual study space are going to be established to document, collect and study objects and documents the region´s memory. Peer-reviewed collective monographs are to be published together with English and German mutations. Shorter articles will be posted to peer-reviewed journals. Digital versions of sources documenting the region will be made accessible in PDF format on the portal. The culmination of the project will be an exhibition, catalog and program for schools in the region, leaning on a methodology for teachers.

The Art Exchange in the Ore Mountains Region between Gothic and Renaissance

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  • Main researcher: PhDr. Ĺubomír Turčan
  • Participant: Charles University in Prague, National Gallery in Prague
  • Duration: 2012–2015
  • Project number: DF12P01OVV046

The aim of the project is systematic identification, elaboration, preservation and presentation of art works, architecture and crafts from the gothic period in Bohemian-Saxon Artistic Region of Ore Mountains. Methodics of identification and documentationof medieval monuments of all art sorts will be elaborated. A qualified selection of the most threatened monuments will be preserved thanks to restorers´ intervention. The complete documentation and scholarly elaboration with art history methods will becomplemented by focused historical and archive research. The benefit of such interdisciplinary approach lies in a complex testimony based on varied sources. Reconstruction of cultural context of gothic art in an accessible entirety will enable its meritsto be opened up to the broad public (in a form of exhibition with scholarly catalogue). It will lead to a more efficient assertion of cultural heritage as a mean of identification of citizens with the region and also to an improvement of the image of the region. Conditions will be created for an active participation of students in the research; metodics of publication of research outcomes will be implemented in the university courses. začleněna do výukových programů na FF UK a FF UJEP.

The Sites Stories. Topography of Contemporary National Memory

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  • Main researcher of FF UJEP: doc. PhDr. Kristina Kaiserová, CSc. (Institute of Slavonic and German Studies, FF UJEP)
  • Participant: Institute of Contemporary History of Academy of Sciences, main researcher PhDr. Oldřich Tůma, Ph.D.
  • Duration: 2011–2015
  • Project number DF11P01OVV034

The project aims to research and document the sites of memory on the communist regime in the Czech Republic and to describe the historical-cultural aspects affecting the contemporary national memory in terms of the sociál reflection of the life under thecommunist regime. Project outcomes aim to increase the accessibility of the results of the interdisciplinary research into the national and cultural identity and to contribute to its preservation for the next generations. The research and documentationwill be ušed to develop databases and collections as reference materiál for scientific and science-popularization outcomes of the projects (database of places with related archive materials, photo-documentation, collection of interviews aiming to gain personál testimonies relating to the documented event, sites etc). After completion of the project, the database will be made accessible for other researchers. The research, documentation and presentation of the results will be subject to methodological research and verification (articles in scientific magazines on methodological procedures, certified methodology). The results will be published in the form of a book {picture documentation book, commented edition ofkey interviews) and in the form of a specialized map providing the factual, typological and reflexive aspects of the topič under research. The key outcome destined for the laic public will be an exhibition and its mobiles versions for regional presentations (in cooperation with cultural institutions). The exhibitions will feature lectures differentiated for various age groups. The finál science-popularization outcomes of the project putting the places reminding of the communist regime into the broader context of contemporary history will include a multimedia educational application and an illustrated dictionary of Czech history 1948-1989 for all age groups of broader professional and laic public.