Head of the Department: doc. Hana Bergerová, Dr.
Tel.: +420 475 286 475, +420 475 286 489
E-mail: hana.bergerova@ujep.cz
The Department of German Studies is one of the leading Central European departments successfully linking its research activities (carried out in cooperation with numerous foreign partners) with a first-rate education to the emerging generation of scholars and German teachers. This is reflected not only in its publications and its publishing of the indexed journal Aussiger Beiträge, but also in the organization of prestigious international conferences. The Department's key field of study is Intercultural German Studies, focusing on Czecho-German and Czecho-Austrian Relations, where the students can get a double degree both from the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University and Bayreuth University. The Department also offers doctoral studies (PhD). The teaching methodology centre CEPRONIV trains the region's future German teachers. The Institute also manages the Austrian Library (Österreich-Bibliothek), which promotes Austrian culture abroad, and is part of the University's Research Library. The Austrian Library is available to the wider public. Further information, in German and Czech, is to be found on our website.