Centre for the Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

Office hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 – 15:00

Head of the Department: 
Tel.: +420 475 286 530

Administrative and Project officer: Bc. Gabriela Růžičková
E-mail: gabriela.ruzickova@ujep.cz
Tel.: + 420 601 594 203

We are on Facebook and Instagram.

The Centre for the Documentation and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage was established in 2008 as a specialized centre of the Department of History, Philosophical Faculty of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.

The main objective of the Centre is research and training in material cultural heritage documentation, with a focus on buildings. The centre carries out basic and applied research mainly in the area of the Ústí Region. It works with other specialist, research and memory institutions. The most important partner is the National Historic Preservation Institute, a regional professional site in Ústí nad Labem.

The centre concentrates on architecture, small monuments and the mobiliare, but it also processes other important artefacts. The emphasis is on accuracy and capturing the technical-historical qualities of objects.

The workplace has the means to provide non-destructive documentation of material historical sources of any kind in field and laboratory conditions. A well-built infrastructure serves as a backdrop for science-research projects within our Faculty and Documentation Center, but also for practical student teaching.

It provides students with borrowings of funds necessary for the processing of qualification and yearly work in the field of documentation of monuments and cultural history. The centre also provides commercial services in the process of caring for building monuments. It mainly processes pre-project documentation and conducts 3D laser scanner scanning.