Language Centre

Head of the Centre: Mgr. Martin Škvára
Tel.: +420 475 286 522

Language Centre was founded in 2008. Its aim is to provide students with good language learning. One of the main problems we had to deal with was the different language level of our students. As a result, we decided to divide our students into groups according to their level and field of study, and to complement language learning with PVK courses (voluntary courses) in foreign languages. Students of the first years are grouped according to their language level and field of study by electronic placement tests. The Centre is currently teaching English and German. Spanish and Russian are also available if there are enough attendants. Language Centre also provides teaching of specialized language in higher years of B.A. studies and teaching of English and German for M.A. studies. We also teach and test PhD students. In summer semesters, the Center also offers PVK courses. Teaching is done ​using the method CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning): the students should thusly broaden their professional knowledge, while at the same time improve their language skills.